Honey-blond hair color is between a light brown color on the one hand, and a bright blonde color on the other hand, and is compatible with many skin colors; It is not considered a dark color, and it does not tend to be gray or copper, and the honey brown color can be obtained by adding lighter strands of golden and honey colors to medium brown hair. Of a color close to the blond color, in addition to shades of yellow, and the following is the way to dye it at home: The required materials: A box of honey-blond hair dye that includes the color pigment. Old shirt. hair brush. Hair clips. vaseline. Container. Rubber or plastic gloves. Hair dye brush. Soft bristle comb. A shampoo for blond hair. Conditioner. How to dye hair: Wearing an old shirt, it is okay to dye it. Combing hair with a brush; To get rid of knots and tangles. The poetry is divided into 4 sections; Where it begins horizontally, then vertically, and wrapped and meshed three parts of it, leaving the fourth section,...
Work clothes
The woman stands in front of her mirror every day to choose the most beautiful clothes that she will wear, whether it is at home, at work or on a picnic, but the work clothes have a bit specificity. Because she shows the girl in front of her colleagues and her manager, and that appearance must be good, because this dress has a clear effect on the girl’s job, just as a person must take into account his behavior, words and style in front of others, so he must be sensitive to the dress in which he will appear and the place in which he works. Many companies choose a uniform to get rid of this problem, but many other companies may not restrict individuals to one dress. Therefore, a choice had to be made in which to talk about clothes that should be avoided at work.
Clothes that should be avoided at work. For the girl, work is the official place that must be very elegant and modest; To present a good picture of the personality that you own, and here the girl may fall into some confusion when choosing work clothes, what is possible from them and what is forbidden. Therefore, it was necessary to mention the most important attributes of clothes that should be avoided when choosing practical clothes, and in the following mention clothes that should be avoided at work:
A woman who is respected for her workplace must move away from tight clothes that show the charms of her body; Because work is a place to present efforts and real production, and not a place to display a woman's beauty. The girl may think that choosing transparent clothes at the sleeves or at some parts of the neck is normal, but here she must pay attention to the fact that transparent clothes may present an inappropriate image of her. Therefore it should be avoided completely. The idea of wearing dresses for the workplace is a great idea, but it is necessary to differentiate between the acceptable clothes in the workplace and those that are not acceptable in it, so it is inappropriate to wear a short dress significantly. Many girls may wear high heels anywhere, but it is inappropriate at work because it may cause some inconvenience to other employees.
Tips for choosing work clothes After many warnings were given during the selection of work clothes, some advice must be provided that would benefit the woman in the same field, so she must pay attention to the shape of the body and skin color when practicing the selection process, in addition to that, Her move away from the stark colors that present an unpleasant image of the girl in her work, as the dress often enters the process of evaluating the personality in the workplace, and quiet colors such as gray, purple and black may be satisfied, with some non-exaggerated inscriptions and soft accessories.
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